After effects wiggle y expression
After effects wiggle y expression

In this example, we use the Temporal Wiggle to wiggle the layer along its keyframed motion path.

after effects wiggle y expression

The expression also offers a smoothness parameter. The Snapping Wiggle is like a combination of a Basic Wiggle and a Snap 2 Grid iExpression, so it first moves the layer in a random direction and then snaps the position to a grid. In the 3D variant you can control frequency and amplitude not only in X and Y but also in Z direction. The Separate Wiggle comes in a 2D and a 3D variant. As a result, the layer wiggles much more and faster to the side than up and down. Also the frequency is set to 10 wiggles per second for left/right but only 3 wiggles per second for up/down. In this example, we wiggle 100px left/right but only 50px up/down.

after effects wiggle y expression

The Separate Wiggle is the same as the Basic Wiggle, except that wiggle frequency and amplitude can be controlled for X and Y direction independently. The 1D variant can be applied to rotation (say wiggle the hand of a speedometer) or opacity, for example. IExpressions contains One Side Wiggle expressions for 1D, 2D and 3D properties. Since we use the One Side Wiggle, it only wiggles upwards (note that it never goes below the ground line). These kinds of secondary animations let impacts appear to be more realistic and intense. In this example, we let the right icon wiggle upwards when the left icon bounces on the ground. This is very helpful if you want to create a wiggle animation that loops seamlessly.

after effects wiggle y expression

The Looping Wiggle behaves exactly as the Basic Wiggle, except that at the last frame of the layer it ends exactly at the position where it started. Of course, you can also link this angle to a slider to change the wiggle direction over time. The Directional Wiggle has an Angle parameter and only wiggles in the direction specified by that angle. The Frequency parameter says how fast it should wiggle (wiggles per second) and the Amplitude parameter says how much it should wiggle (maximum amount in pixels).

After effects wiggle y expression